Healthcare in the UK vs. Turkiye: A Comparison, Including Dentistry and Aesthetics

Healthcare in the UK vs. Turkey

Healthcare in the UK vs. Turkiye: A Comparison, Including Dentistry and Aesthetics

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The United Kingdom and Turkiye are two countries with very different healthcare systems. The UK has a universal healthcare system, while Turkiye has a mixed system with both public and private healthcare options. This blog post will compare and contrast the two systems, focusing on their strengths and weaknesses, including dentistry and aesthetics.

Key Differences:

The most significant difference between the two systems is the way they are funded. The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is funded through general taxation, while Turkiye’s healthcare system is funded through a combination of taxes, private insurance, and out-of-pocket payments.

This difference in funding has a number of implications. In the UK, everyone is entitled to free healthcare, regardless of their income or employment status. In Turkiye, however, people who do not have private insurance or the ability to pay out of pocket may have to wait longer for care or may not be able to access certain services.

Another key difference between the two systems is the way they are organized. The NHS is a single, centralized system that is responsible for providing healthcare to all UK residents. Turkiye’s healthcare system is more fragmented, with a variety of public and private providers.

This difference in organization has a number of implications as well. In the UK, it is easier for patients to access care, as they can go to any NHS provider. In Turkiye, patients may need to shop around for the best care and price.


In the UK, dental care is not covered by the NHS for adults. Adults are responsible for paying for their own dental care, which can be expensive. In Turkiye, dental care is covered by the public healthcare system for some basic procedures, such as fillings and extractions. However, more complex procedures, such as crowns and implants, are not covered by the public healthcare system.


In the UK, aesthetic procedures are not covered by the NHS. Patients are responsible for paying for their own aesthetic procedures, which can be very expensive. In Turkiye, aesthetic procedures are more affordable than in the UK. However, the quality of aesthetic procedures can vary, depending on the provider.

Cost Comparison:



  • Filling: £100-£200
  • Extraction: £50-£100
  • Crown: £500-£1,000
  • Implant: £2,000-£5,000


  • Filling: £20-£50
  • Extraction: £10-£20
  • Crown: £300-£500
  • Implant: £1,000-£2,500



  • Nose job: £5,000-£10,000
  • Breast augmentation: £5,000-£10,000
  • Liposuction: £3,000-£5,000


  • Nose job: £2,000-£4,000
  • Breast augmentation: £2,000-£4,000
  • Liposuction: £1,500-£3,000

Healthcare in the UK vs. Turkiye - cost comparison

Healthcare in the UK vs. Turkiye

Strengths of the UK System:

The UK system has a number of strengths, including:

  • Universal coverage: Everyone in the UK is entitled to free healthcare, regardless of their income or employment status.
  • Efficiency: The NHS is a relatively efficient system, with low administrative costs.
  • Quality: The NHS provides high-quality care, with some of the best hospitals in the world.

Weaknesses of the UK System:

The UK system also has a number of weaknesses, including:

  • Waiting times: Patients in the UK may have to wait longer for care than in other countries, especially for non-emergency procedures.
  • Access: Some people in the UK may have difficulty accessing care, due to distance or other factors.
  • Cost: The NHS is facing financial challenges, as the population ages and healthcare costs rise.

Strengths of the Turkish System:

The Turkish system has a number of strengths, including:

  • Choice: Patients in Turkiye have more choice than in the UK, as they can choose between public and private providers.
  • Cost: Healthcare in Turkiye is generally less expensive than in the UK.
  • Innovation: The Turkish healthcare system is relatively innovative, with a focus on new technologies and treatments.

Weaknesses of the Turkish System:

The Turkish system also has a number of weaknesses, including:

  • Access: Some people in Turkiye may have difficulty accessing care, due to poverty or other factors.
  • Quality: Healthcare quality in Turkiye can vary, depending on the provider.
  • Inequality: The Turkish healthcare system is more unequal than the UK system, with wealthier people having better access to care.


Both the UK and Turkiye have healthcare systems with strengths and weaknesses. The best system for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a system that is universal, efficient, and provides high-quality care, the UK system may be a good choice. If you are looking for a system that offers more choice and affordability, especially for dentistry and aesthetics, the Turkish system may be a better option.

Call to action:

If you are considering healthcare options in the UK or Turkiye, it is important to do your research and compare the different systems. You should also consider your individual needs and preferences, such as your budget, your location, and your health needs.

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